Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Traveling on two wheels

My boyfriend, Trevor, and I are touring Europe on our bicycles this fall/winter and dedicated this blog to our travels. Keeping family and friends updated or maybe some reading material for whomever happens to come across our blog. Our travels start in Dublin, Ireland then we ferry over to Glasgow, Scotland and trek down the international bike trail that leads us to London. We chunnel to Paris, train over to our good friend Jo in Germany and go back on the bikes to tour through beautiful Italy, the South of France and down into Spain. Then we hop up to Paris where we'll take the chunnel back to London and say 'bye bye' to Europe. The Google map to the ←left will serve as a 'play-by-play' way of tracking us while we're exploring Europe. It's just us, our two bikes and a whole new world to venture into! Count down: 6 days!!

* Click to enlarge map below* Dotted lines represent the places we're biking to, Solid lines are where we ferry or train to and Curved lines are where we're flying in and out of.

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