Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dublin, Ireland, EU

Mkay, we've been in Dublin for about 3 days now. Traveling via plane was a bit uncomfortable, but went smoothly. All our bags made it...Trev and I cheered when we saw our bikes getting unloaded from the luggage compartment! We ended up sleeping until 5pm the next day after being up for more than 40hrs on our way over.

The city is great though! When we road into the city centre from the airport we saw a huge crowd of about five thousand people demonstrating their rights as citizens. They were protesting the Lisbon Treaty and all kinds of people, of all different ages were out. Even the school children in their uniforms were out. It was quite a sight to see! We spent the rest of the day wondering around up and down the main street in the city centre. Walked around Trinity College where the shopping centre is and sat in the park with the locals. We also saw a movie, Inglorious Bastards, to get out of the rain. I ended up spending the majority of the movie sleeping, hah. After we waited at the Spire for our host to arrive and while we were resting our feet a silly drunk french man asked if he could pop-a-squat next to us. We intruduced ourselves and talked about Dublin and why we were both here. We shared our three month journey plans and he happened to be working for Fairtrade for a six month period in Dublin and a previous six months in Tunisa and then back to Paris (he lives and hour outside the city). He gave us some advice on the best places go to in France if you want to meet people and experience the culture. Bordeaux might have to be a new destination of ours when we get down to the south. Anyway, we soon met out host and finally got some down time in a really comfy flat right next to the Google building. It's kind of strange...we can see people running around and working on their computers when we wake up in the morning. It's good afternoon entertainment as well.

Besides that, all has been pretty well. Gone to a couple pubs for some Irish coffee and beer. The only problem we've really come across is with the bank. Apparently, they've been tracking my account and are afraid that my card has been stolen, although I already called them back in the states and confirmed with them that I will be using my visa in Europe. So now I must go find a pay phone and sit on the tele with them for who knows how long to sort this whole thing out...I guess things could be a lot worse though...who knows.

Cheers till next time....we'll most likely be in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK!!

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